The Wisdom of Telos

“When people experience being accepted as they are, they are freed to change.”

-Carl Rogers

True Inner Peace.

Carl Rogers, psychologist wrote in 1959 his view on human nature, that when people are placed in meaningful therapeutic conditions, they will naturally change in a positive direction. Carl Rogers and William Miller (psychologist) have separately shared that this tendency toward reaching your true inner self “it is as natural as a plant’s growth upward toward the light when given adequate soil, water, and sunshine. It is as if each person has a natural mature end-state or purpose (Telos, in Greek) toward which he or she will grow given optimal conditions.” They say that the Telos of an acorn is to become an oak tree; to reach its true purpose. Each action we take as humans is directed towards some Telos (i.e. purpose) and real change involves identifying concrete steps needed to attain Telos. Telos has many terms that describes it in philosophy; goal, completion, or fulfillment; this translates into all walks of life. At Telos Health and Wellness Services, we can help you find the meaning you have been searching for and choose your own path towards healing.

Find Meaning. Find Purpose. Find Yourself